
AERAP Progress Report and Launch of European Parliament’s AERAP Group - 15-11-2012

General Info

Start date:2012-11-15

End date:

A presentation of the AERAP Progress Report and the Launch of the European Parliament’s AERAP Group will take place on the 15th of November 2012 in the European Parliament in Brussels. The meeting will be hosted by Britta Thomsen MEP.

On the 15th of November the African-European Radio Astronomy Platform will report to the European Parliament on its activities and achievements to implement the Written Declaration 45/2011 on “Science Capacity Building in Africa: promoting European-African Radio Astronomy Partnerships” over the past few months. This report will be completed with special keynote interventions on opportunities for Africa-EU radio astronomy cooperation. The outcomes of the various AERAP stakeholder workshops conducted over the past few months, focused for example on new funding opportunities for cooperation related to human capital development and renewable energy solutions, will also be presented. Within this context AERAP stakeholders and Members of the European Parliament will discuss future cooperation activities and needs of the African and European radio astronomy communities. In conclusion, Members of the European Parliament will announce the launch of their AERAP Group.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact:

Svea Miesch
Policy Analyst
ISC Intelligence in Science
Rue du Trône 4
1000 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0) 2 8888 111

Registration is now open. To register, please send an email to aerap@aerap.org with the following information:

  • title, first name, family name, organisation, position and email address

If you do not have an entrance badge for the European Parliament, please indicate also:

  • nationality, country of residence, date of birth (DD/MM/YY), Number of ID Card or Passport (This information is required to gain access to the European Parliament and will only be used by Parliament's security services.)


You can find a provisional agenda in the "Downloads" section.

The meeting on the 15th of November will be hosted by MEP Britta Thomsen in the European Parliament (Altiero Spinelli Building, room A3H-1) located at
Rue Wiertz 60
B-1050 Brussels
Please use the entrance opposite Place Luxembourg.